Legal notices

PageGroup is committed to protecting the privacy of the users of its website. Our objective is to provide a safe and secure user experience.
We will do our very best to ensure that the information you submit via this website remains private and is used only for the purposes set out herein.

PageGroup, located

Michael Page International (Belgium) NV/SA
Place du Champ de Mars 5,
1050 Brussels,

is the editor of this website.
Legal representative: Gregory Renardy
Please read the general user conditions of this site.

All candidates must accept the terms and conditions set out in the document entitled "Terms and conditions of use of your personal data" before submitting their application to PageGroup.

Data Protection

We do not and will never disclose information about your individual visits to the site, or personal information that you provide, such as your name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, etc. to any outside parties, without your consent.

Aggregate Information about Michael Page online visitors

We gather information and statistics collectively about all visitors to this website and all of the Michael Page websites worldwide, for example, which area users access most frequently and which services users access the most.  We only use such data in the aggregate form.  This information helps us determine what is most beneficial for our users and how we can continually improve our online services to create a better overall experience for our users.

General terms and conditions of use

1. The website and all of its content, including texts, static or animated images, databases, programmes, CGI, etc. hereinafter the website, is protected by copyright.

2. PageGroup authorises you to view its content on a personal and private basis only, excluding any public viewing or distribution. You are authorised to reproduce the content in digital form only on your computer, for the purpose of viewing pages opened by your browser. Hard copies may be made for private copying purposes, for the user's exclusive use. You may create a hypertext link without a border on the website to the homepage of the site only and not to any other address.

3. Any other use not explicitly specified herein is not permitted and requires the express, prior, written consent of PageGroup. Apart from the uses authorised above, you are not authorised to reproduce brands and logos of the Companies in PageGroup, to create deep hypertext links to any part of the website other than the homepage, to use or extract in whole or in part the databases used by the website, to use any programmes or CGI used by the website, etc.

4. PageGroup is responsible for compiling and presenting the information contained in this website as best possible. It should be used for information purposes only and PageGroup recommends that you seek the advice of a professional and complete your information yourself.

5. The information available on this website has been compiled using several sources and may be amended without notice.

6. The Companies in PageGroup cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness, adequacy or the functioning of the website or the information it contains, or that said information has been checked by the Companies in PageGroup.

7. The Companies in PageGroup shall not be liable on any account for the information contained in this website and disclaim all responsibility for any negligence or other concerning such information.

8. The Companies in PageGroup do not guarantee the existence or the availability of any offer featured on this website.

9. The Companies in PageGroup do not guarantee that an employer or a client will ask for information about an applicant, suggest an interview, or hire an applicant, or that the applicants will be available or will correspond to the needs of an employer or a client.

10. The Companies in PageGroup do not guarantee the final terms or the duration of an offer obtained by means of this website.

11. By using this website, you accept the risks relating to the completeness, accuracy, adequacy or timeliness of the information.

12. This website was created in Luxembourg. By using this website, you accept the foregoing terms and conditions of use, without prejudice to any remedy in contract or tort that may be sought by PageGroup. Any dispute in connection with the construction or performance of a contractual undertaking provided for in this site shall be submitted to Luxembourg courts having sole jurisdiction and applying the laws of Luxembourg.